Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore
Impact Area: Education
Location: Eastern Shore, MD
Website: http://shorebiglittle.org/
Phone: (410) 543-2447
Contact Name: Jessica Mimms
Contact Email: jmimms@shorebiglittle.org
Contact Phone: (410) 543-2447
Our mission is to provide all children facing adversity with enrichment, and to create and support mentoring relationships that change their lives for the better, forever! The agency helps children and youth reach their fullest potential through evidence-based mentoring relationships and a broad range of services with quality standards and measurable impact. Funds support enrolled youth facing adversity living in Kent County who receive consistent case management, regular progress evaluations, and free activities and resources from professionally trained staff. “UWKC has allowed Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore to successfully support many matches throughout the years. One on note is a 3-year long match! Big Sister and Little Sister were matched in 2019 and were able to work on developing Little Sister’s self-esteem and future goals, until Little Sister graduated from our program at age 18”.

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